Thursday, March 7, 2013

Free craft book download: CARTONNAGE BRODÉ - AU FILS DES BOITES

Free craft book download: CARTONNAGE BRODÉ - AU FILS DES BOITES
Quand deux passionnées de broderie au point de croix et de cartonnage se rencontrent... elles discutent à bâtons rompus de leurs plaisirs, lancent des idées, réalisent des objets inattendus et cherchent le moyen de faire découvrir au plus grand nombre leur passion... Autour du thème de la broderie et des objets emblématiques de ce petit monde, Sophie Delaborde et Sylvie Castellano nous proposent de créer des objets faciles à exécuter, et nous guident dans les techniques de base du cartonnage. De la Boîte à boutons au Carnet de la brodeuse, du Porte-aiguilles au Tableau de ciseaux en passant par la Boite à rubans, elles nous livrent leurs trucs et leurs astuces, nous conseillent dans le choix du matériel, du tissu et des broderies pour que, comme elles, nous puissions créer de merveilleux objets...
aussi utiles que décoratifs et personnels.
When two passionate embroidery cross stitch and cardboard meet ... they discuss their desultory pleasures, brainstorm, realize unexpected objects and looking for a way to discover more passion ... The theme embroidery and emblematic objects of this little world, Sophie and Sylvie Castellano Delaborde we propose to create objects easy to implement, and guide us in the basic techniques of cardboard. The book box buttons of the embroiderer, the needle holder Table scissors through the tape box, they give us their tricks and tips, advise us in the choice of materials, fabrics and embroideries for that, like them, we can create wonderful things ...
both decorative and useful and personal.

Language:   French 
Filesize : 22,4 MB
File type:  Image 

Download craft ebook here :

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 Please click download link , complete the survey and click advertisements to support us. If you find the links down or not work please let us know. You can contact us or comment.
Thank a lot 

1 comment:

  1. These 2 links try to install an application on your computer.
    Lucky for me my computer is not compatible with the forced installation.
    Perhaps you are unaware they are trying to install some application, without permission to do so, on peoples computers.
    It shows up as a message "Preparing to download",
    This wat you think it is the book you want, when it isn't.
    Separate from this, there was an Ad for a gaming site.
    I looked it over, I even tried links on this ad, several times.
    Did the ads stop ? ... NO
    There was another ad and another ad, and another ad until I closed the page.
    Emsisoft has listed this as a Phishing site.
    I thought you would want to know this.
